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Exciting new things happening!

So i've been a little MIA lately. The holidays were more hectic than I anticipated. The Willow Falls Holiday Party didn't happen unfortunately because I had to go to Chicago when I had planned on having the party. So the last 2 weeks i've been moving/re-doing the facilities to a new location and I can say it's FINALLY done! I'm so excited to post the new pictures, check them out HERE. I'm also going to start putting up houses i've built up for download on a new section of the site. I'm still trying to figure out a name for it, but i've put an insane amount of time into these homes. They're all inspired by real homes and not to brag, but they're incredible homes and i'm beyond proud to share them with everyone. I'll also be taking requests to build and design homes for anyone. I still need to figure out how I make them available for download and get a better comment system going. Wix only gives me so much for free. However, my email is available on the home screen so feel free to email me.

We also have some new horses, pictures also to come soon. I still need to take/edit photos for that though. Stay posted!


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