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2 Homes now available!

I'm excited to say there are now 2 homes available for download now in the Adornment Architecture & Design subpage of site! Go check them out!

I'm also taking requests to build. If you're interested, either go to the AA&D subpage and click "Request a home" or check out the AA&D Tumblr page and submit a request, either way works, however if you don't have a tumblr, I suggest you go through the WFEC site, because without a tumblr account I can't reply to you through tumblr and i'm not sure how often people check their emails. If you prefer email, then email away! Same for Tumblr! If you'd like to put in a request, PLEASE be sure to read the rules carefully. It will make things easier on both ends.

That's all for now lovelys


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